My First Blog Post 090619

Hey. My name is Trent Garcia. The idea behind this blog is to document all the pictures that don’t end up on my instagram feed. Hopefully i will take the time to write a little about these photos and the experiences that go along with them. It seams somewhat appropriate to post a portrait of myself to put a face to the name. These photographs were taken earlier today on my Sony A7III with my new Leica Summicron 50mm F2 all manual lens. I normally shoot with the Sony G Master 16-35mm F2.8 and honestly most of the photos i post will be with that setup. But today i purchased the Leica 50mm because after months and multiple outbid Ebay auctions i finally bought a mint condition Leica M4 film camera. So as the anticipation starts to kick in i realize in about a week i will receive said camera and wont have a lens to use it with. So I begin to do some digging on the internet on what lens to buy. Somewhat overwhelmed i decide to call up my local camera store (The Camera Exchange) to see what they have. Turns out they have a few options so i quickly head out with only 45 minutes to spare before they close. Fast forward about 30 minutes after the store closes iv decided on the Leica 50mm. Its in really good condition despite how old it looks (made in 1953 based on the serial number) not to mention it ended up being a little cheaper than all the other lenses i was considering coming in at $449.95. Excited to try this new lens of mine i decide to buy an adapter for my Sony camera to get me through the week along with a few rolls of some Fujifilm Superia 400. That way as soon as i get my M4 i can start shooting. So i leave the camera store and head home just in time to catch the sunset. I somehow convinced Lauren (my wife) to walk over to my favorite sunset spot at The Pearl to try this lens out. Turns out manual focusing is pretty hard! I don’t know how many shots i took but only ended up with a few usable ones that were correctly in focus. I’ll get better at focusing i promise but these were the photos i ended up with.

Trent Garcia1 Comment